About last night (‘s elections)

I did not follow yesterday’s elections as closely as I should have.  I’ve been a bit, er, distracted the past week.

Ohio was a loss for those who want to save state and local governments from the grip of unsustainable union control.  The national unions went all in, and won big.  There were several factors, including that the legislation also covered police and firemen, and most importantly in my view, the law did not take effect under Ohio’s procedure.  Unlike in Wisconsin, where people are seeing the benefit of the law, in Ohio there was no such experience.  But excuses aside, it showed that dislodging the public sector union grip will be difficult.

The good news from Ohio is that the voters overwhelmingly approved the legislation which allows Ohio to opt-out of Obamacare. It’s probably ineffective ultimately because of federal supremacy, but it shows that Obamacare remains unpopular even among an electorate sympathetic to unions. (added) This bodes well for 2012.

In Virginia, Democrats saw the benefits of redistricting maps they drew.  But even so, it looks like the Republicans will take over the state Senate, if only after a recount in one district.

What else of improtance?