“Cain said, ‘Darling, do you mind doctoring my tea for me?’”

It’s 8:10 a.m. Eastern, November 4, 2011, five days into the Herman Cain Scandal, and finally we have facts.

Steve Deace, an anti-Cain Iowa talk show host, has made headlines which seem to corroborate that Herman Cain is a cad, as dutifully reported by ABC News, among others:

A conservative Iowa radio host, who on Wednesday became the latest person to accuse Herman Cain of acting inappropriately toward women, declined to offer specifics about the presidential candidate’s behavior but suggested that Cain was “compromised in his private life.”

Steve Deace, who hosts a syndicated two-hour radio program in Iowa, said that two of his female staff members were subjected to “inappropriate and awkward” comments by Cain. But he refused to identify them or elaborate on the seriousness of the allegations.

While ABC News claims not to know the substance of the allegations, The Des Moines Register (h/t Charles, via Right Scoop) reports that Deace previously revealed at least one of the “awkward” statements on his radio show last month:

During his Oct. 3 broadcast in Iowa, Deace mentioned that Cain made a comment to a woman who was there to report on the radio interview for another news agency.

“Cain said, ‘Darling, do you mind doctoring my tea for me?’” Deace said.

Deace told the Register last month that he believes Cain was talking about adding honey and lemon, but that it was an awkward moment.

Shocking. Certainly a ground to ruin a presidential campaign, and enough for ABC News and, the all-Herman Cain, all-the-time Politico to run large headlines about it..

There may be damning facts out there about Herman Cain.  And maybe we will actually hear the damning facts sooner or later.  But they’re not out there yet, as of 8:10 a.m. Eastern on November 4, 2011.

Tags: Herman Cain


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