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The Plagues of Occupy Wall Street

The Plagues of Occupy Wall Street

Reading this article at The Boston Herald reminded me of the 10 plagues from the Passover story:

Food-borne illnesses,

a flu outbreak,


sexually transmitted diseases

and vermin are just some of the hazards experts say make Occupy Boston a public health disaster waiting to happen — as City Hall turns a blind eye.

Darkness will come soon, when daylight savings time takes effect, and not after that the weather will turn colder and there will be hail.

Instead of locusts, they have thieves and sexual predators swarming over them.

I’m dreading images in The NY Post of their boils.

As for slaying of the first born, I don’t think that will happen, although their first born should show up in about nine months.


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Here’s two recent posts at The Other McCain:

Report:14-year Old Runaway Girl Gets Banged At Occupy Protest In Dallas

More OWS Fun: Man Charged With Getting 11-year Old Boy Drunk In Tent

Sooner than later, I think it’s going to be time to stick a fork in this movement and consider it “done”. Must admit, didn’t think it would happen this fast.

DINORightMarie | October 26, 2011 at 10:47 am

Another list that I found amusing (not the plagues, but Liz Warren claims to be the intellectual foundation of OWS, so…if the shoe fits, and all that):

Liz Warren supports it all.

Oh, were there any frogs at OWS? Or is that covered under “vermin”? Ha!

When does the river turn to blood?

“As for slaying of the first born, I don’t think that will happen”

That’s true. They’re liberals, they slay their children while they’re still in the womb.

    DINORightMarie in reply to Aarradin. | October 26, 2011 at 11:48 am

    That is a chilling comment. And all too true. They might not make it to 9 months. Evil; chilling.

    Oh, and to @ironghost: that is how the rivers will turn to blood, and it will start in a few short weeks.

After their student loan debt is all forgiven the occupiers can study ways to combat these simple, common problems in the new “Occupy Studies” programs soon to appear in the new “Occupy Studies Department” at a university near you.

LukeHandCool (who is considering a new career in occupational therapy … because these people really need therapy).

Will their first-borns be named Moonbeam, Chakra, Dharma or Echo? Or maybe they will call them Stench, Vermin or Influenza.

I’ve quickly grown fond of the name “Occutards.”

    Try this new word:

    Ineptocracy (in-ep-toc’-ra-cy) – a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

Subotai Bahadur | October 26, 2011 at 4:20 pm

As a self-declared “not a nice person”™ who has had some involvement with medical matters in the past; I have been waiting for outbreaks of e.coli, listeria, or if we got really lucky, of cholera. I have my doubts about how endemic Yersinia pestis is amongst the rats in the large cities infected with #Occupy, but there is always the possibility. I think Oakland made an error. Making the reasonable assumption that surrounding areas will cooperate with public health authorities, I would have let things incubate until the inevitable result of “Lord of the Flies” syndrome comes to pass.

Subotai Bahadur

    Alan Kellogg in reply to Subotai Bahadur. | October 28, 2011 at 5:16 am

    In the US the plague is endemic to ground squirrels in the south west, rats are just as susceptible to it as humans are, and so are not a vector for the disease.

This seriously reminds me of the discussion Tom Wolfe had of the hippies, which he described in “The Great Relearning”:

“At the Haight-Ashbury Free Clinic there were doctors who were treating diseases that had disappeared so long ago they had never even picked up Latin names, such as the mange, the grunge, the itch, the twitch, the thrush, the scroff, the rot.”

Wolfe ascribed this to the desire to sweep aside all moral norms, including those of sanitation.

See his extended paragraphs here:

BannedbytheGuardian | October 26, 2011 at 7:48 pm

I guess the thing to do is to leave it with the local authorities. It is their standards that are in play & ths an advertisement to the outside world .

The NY one will be the best funded but at $500,000 they are way behind luminaries such as Christine O’ Donnell”s amount raised in a few weeks.

Make a note of the cities that have pushed them out & cleaned up. They are likely nice places to visit & avoid the others.

So far my general impressions of cities is being reflected .