Mark this day in the annals of Senate nuclear warfare

I’ll admit I don’t understand all the intricacies of the U.S. Senate Rules, but moments ago Harry Reid pulled the “nuclear option” in order to prevent Republicans from forcing Senate Democrats to vote on Obama’s jobs bill.

As reported by The Hill (h/t Marathon Pundit):

In a shock development Thursday evening, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) triggered a rarely-used procedural option informally called the “nuclear option” to change the Senate rules.The Democratic leader had become fed up by Republican demands for votes on motions to suspend the rules after the Senate had voted to end a filibuster.Reid said these motions, which do not need unanimous consent, amount to a second-round filibuster after the Senate has voted to move to final passage of a measure.The surprise move stunned Republicans, who did not expect Reid to bring heavy artillery to what had been a hum-drum knife fight over amendments to China currency legislation….Republicans planned to use this right of the minority to embarrass Obama by showing that many Democrats do not support his jobs package as originally drafted. But Reid moved to kill their plan by appealing the chair’s ruling, triggering a vote.

What does is all mean?

“Just wait until they get into the minority!” growled one GOP staffer.

Yes indeed, yet another motivation to take back the Senate and hold the House, then go nuclear to deprive Senate Democrats of the ability to block bills.  Nice job Harry, what goes around will come around.  In 2013.

Whodda figured, it took Harry Reid to light the fire in me again.

Tags: Harry Reid