How can I support a candidate when I can’t stand other supporters of the candidate?

It’s the age-old question.

And it is not a theoretical question, as you know from recent experience here, because if I followed that line of thinking religiously, multiple remaining candidates would be crossed off my list.

For example, David Frum is supporting Mitt Romney.

But Frum has spent the past three years drumming up media attention as the designated “conservative” basher of the Tea Party and Sarah Palin, an avocation he pursues even after Palin announced she would not run for president:

“I will continue driving the discussion for freedom and free markets…”- From Sarah Palin’s statement announcing her decision not to run for president.Um, probably not. Sarah Palin’s political voice had dwindled well before she announced her decision not to run. Now it will sink altogether into inaudibility. She will be no kind of force in future national discussions. She will have no sway over party debates. She will retain some starpower for a little while longer. She may for another cycle or two be able to help certain candidates for certain political offices raise some money. Even that will fade within two more years or four. Her political career was brief, bizarre, and sordid….Most embarrassing of all: she was never even a very good con artist. Everything that was false and petty and unqualified in her was visible within the first minutes of encountering her. The people she fooled were people who passionately wished to be fooled….

Assuming I were otherwise inclined to do so, how could I support a candidate supported by a cheap trick like David Frum, the masculine equivalent of Meghan McCain?

It sure is hard being a Republican these days.

Tags: Conservatives, Media Bias, Sarah Palin