All the fat cats on… K Street.

Amidst news about Wall Street bonuses and fat-cat corruption, I’m sure it will go uncovered that Washington has finally eclipsed Silicon Valley as the wealthiest U.S. metropolitan area:

“Lobbyists play a prominent role in the Washington economy. In 2010 there were 12,964 registered lobbyists, with most working in or around the nation’s capital, according to figurescompiled by the Center for Responsive Politics, a Washington- based research group that tracks political spending. Spending on lobbying efforts reached a record $3.51 billion last year, up from $3.49 billion in 2009.”

So, there you have it, the heart of corporatism, rent-seeking and soul-sucking is prospering while the people who invest in businesses and innovation are called criminals. Why bother with a life of innovation and entrepreneurship when figuring out how to allot other people’s money has become such a profitable venture?

Oh, and though a ton of money floats around DC, I still couldn’t find a decent pizza place when I lived there for a summer. So, there, I’m doubly repulsed.