Ace reports:
You know what Jews really don’t like?Jews for Jesus. I have a lot of Jewish friends, and they almost all go banana-sandwich over this. They don’t like the invitation to conversion. They do react as if what is being discussed is nearly a hate-crime….But a bunch of dirty-tricksters are playing Jerky Boyz touchtone terrorists games in NY-9:”The campaign of Democrat David Weprin sent out a press release Tuesday accusing supporters of Republican Bob Turner of organizing an effort to jam the Weprin campaign’s phones. In response, Turner communications director William O’Reilly noted that Jewish residents of the district were receiving phone calls from a phony group calling itself “Jews for Jesus for Turner,” which he called an attempt to scare Jewish voters.”I so hope this jagoff goes down.
As I wrote earlier, winning Jewish votes for Republican candidates requires getting around Jewish hostility towards religious Christians, and I doubt that there exists a (nonviolent) entity more reviled in the Jewish community than Jews for Jesus.
To elaborate on Ace’s explanation, Jews for Jesus is particularly disliked, even compared to other proselytizers, because they have been accused of particularly deceptive proselytization tactics, and because while Jews for Jesus calls itself a Jewish sect, Jews perceive them to be practicing a form of Christianity that happens to also incorporate many Jewish aspects laws and holidays, albeit with meanings and explanations tailored towards Christian theology (Some Christian denominations, such as Seventh Day Adventists, also do this, but without calling themselves part of Judaism).
This is not the first time that Democrats have tried to exploit anti-Jews for Jesus sentiment for political gain. Sarah Palin was attacked during the 2008 campaign because the executive director of Jews for Jesus, speaking at Palin’s church in Wasilla, claimed that Islamist terrorism in Israel was divine punishment for the Jews rejecting Jesus. Palin of course came out strongly against the sermon.