The Nanny State Doesn’t Like Competition

From babysitters, that is.

From the WSJ:

[A proposed bill in California] would require parents to pay caregivers over the age of 18 minimum wage plus overtime, allow a 10-minute rest every four hours and a half-hour meal break after five hours, reports ABC News.The bill was written with the intention of extending labor protections for workers caring for the disabled and elderly, according to Democrat Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, the bill’s author. But Republican State Sen. Doug LaMalfa said in a published statement that any babysitter over the age of 18 would fall under the provisions in the bill…..Live-in caregivers and others on 24-hour shifts would also be entitled to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep, and those working more than five consecutive hours would be allowed to use their employers’ kitchens to cook their own meals, ABC reports.

If only mothers had the same workers rights!

In all seriousness, though, I have no idea what some of my friends in college would do if they had to go through a bureaucratic mess to babysit every now and again. The California legislature’s itch for easy tax grabs is yet another sign of their desperation.