Still not a believer

Maybe I have not recovered from witnessing the ability of the nation to delude and deceive itself, as happened in 2008.

I never understood the attraction in the first place, so I’m not believing that when the recovering deluded and deceived enter the voting booth, they will not pull the same lever (or push the same button, or fill in the same line).

So I just can’t find comfort in this:

President Barack Obama’s overall job approval rating has sunk to an all-time low, as American voters disapprove 52 – 42 percent, compared to 47 – 46 percent approval in July, and among whites and men his approval has dropped into the 30s, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.

Because for reasons which defy logic and science, there’s still this:

For the first time this year, Texas Governor Rick Perry leads President Obama in a national Election 2012 survey. Other Republican candidates trail the president by single digits.A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows Perry picking up 44% of the vote while the president earns support from 41%. Given the margin of sampling error (+/- 3 percentage points) and the fact that the election is more than a year away, the race between the two men is effectively a toss-up.

So I will not believe it until it actually happens.

Tags: 2012 Election