At a recent Obama campaign event masquerading as a town hall, an ex-Google executive begged Obama to raise his taxes, to which Obama responded with an Elizabeth Warren-like argument:
It turns out the guy was a plant by a group called the Patriotic Millionaires for Fiscal Strength, which includes a number of wealthy people who are so brave they are willing to sign a letter of support for the group’s agenda only using their initials.
But another thing caught my eye in their banner. These patriotic millionaires want you to donate to their group (circling added):
The Donate button leads to a donation page where these patriotic millionaires are happy to take your credit card billing information or allow you to pay via PayPal to support their efforts.
So how patriotic are these millionaires?
Not so patriotic that they will voluntarily pay extra taxes to the government, and not so patriotic that they will pay for their own campaign to raise other people’s taxes.