No time to rest

From the guy no longer on MSNBC because he was so outrageous they had to tone things down a bit by replacing him with Al Sharpton:

These guys in the Obama camp are in for a horrible, rude awakening. Sometime in the next year, they are going to blink and realize they are lying flat on their back on the canvas. Then as they finally stumble up, they’ll realize they should have started fighting 11 rounds ago. Then a panic will set in, but I’m afraid it will be too late by then.Here is what all voters, and especially independents, despise and disdain in a politician — weakness. Nobody wants to see their leader get beat to a pulp every night and then bow his head again.There is no secret, brilliant strategy. This White House is in a bubble. They think they’re winning when the roof is about to cave in.

I’ll rest when it’s over, not a second before.

Tags: 2012 Election, MSNBC