Monstrous lies unfolding at the U.N. this week

One lie is that there is a historically and ethnically distinct Palestinian people, but that lie is so well established that it is beyond argument now.  Even if Palestinian nationalism was a fiction created in the last few decades as a tool against Israel, that horse has left the gate.  Nonetheless, it is worth pointing out the historical truth as a defense to the war to delegitimize Israel and portray Jews as occupiers.

But it is not too late to deal with the second lie which is unfolding, that Palestinians  want a state as part of a solution to their war with Israel.  In fact they want a state as a stepping stone to the destruction of Israel.  It’s just a tactical move, because everything else has failed.

Whatever they say to the West, always keep in mind what they say to themselves (via Israel Matzav), as in this statement by Mahmoud Abbas in late August rejecting the Quartet principles for a solution and creation of a Palestinian state:

Peace may someday be possible, but it only will come when the people who call themselves Palestinians accept the Jewish state.  That has not happened yet.  Until then, it’s all just part of the war.

Tags: Israel, United Nations