Steve Benen, liberal blogger at Washington Monthly, feigns ignorance over why Jon Hunstman is getting so much love and air time from the mainstream media despite no apparent electoral support:
The question then becomes why Huntsman, Mr. One Percent, is getting special treatment.
I know, I know.
Because Hunstman is bashing fellow Republicans and provides an almost perfect vehicle for the mainstream media to portray every Republican with a chance at winning as an extremist Tea Party hostage taker and wannabe terrorist.
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Who is this Huntsman fellow? Never heard of him.
“The question then becomes why Huntsman, Mr. One Percent, is getting special treatment.”
obama’s man on the inside. That’s “why” Benen.
My argument is the MSM always supports the Republican most like a Democrat (just in case he wins), but I like your theory that it is all about creating an opportunity to bash the other Republican candidates and the Tea Party.
The first Republican candidate to come out and lay the wood to his competitors, will earn the undying love of the media – unless her last name is Palin.
Uh, make that “his or her” competitors.
Oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh!!! Oooh oooh! Me-me…
Because the media gets to pick.
Because it’s all just a reality TV show. And he looks more like an actor. Or an anchor. And he had a band once. And his family is photogenic. And he’s been in the D.C. and business in-crowd since he was a rich kid with no experience and given crony appointment by Reagan. And he doesn’t really care or have to care about issues much so he can be easy-going. And Obama is so last season, maybe we can maneuver the ratings in the Republican market just like we did in the Democratic market. It’s like the Republican Obama. And the parties will be so good…
And they complain about Palin’s ratings ?
But somehow I can’t see Huntsman saying
“Polls are for strippers & Xcountry skiers.”
Huntsman is wolf in sheeps clothing. He is a democrat running on the republican ticket. The MSM want Huntsman because he is a RINO.