Back when it was fashionable for Democrats to be anti-war ( you remember, when Bush was president) there was a proliferation of Veterans Against the War yard signs around where I live. The appearance was that the homeowner was a veteran…and the sign was an obvious argumentative Appeal to Authority. In small print (too small for a drive-by yard sign) was “I support…”.
As a pasty white male I wonder if I could get away with “I support…Black Women Against Obama“?
Back when it was fashionable for Democrats to be anti-war ( you remember, when Bush was president) there was a proliferation of Veterans Against the War yard signs around where I live. The appearance was that the homeowner was a veteran…and the sign was an obvious argumentative Appeal to Authority. In small print (too small for a drive-by yard sign) was “I support…”.
As a pasty white male I wonder if I could get away with “I support…Black Women Against Obama“?