But today is not a work day, so we should be okay. And it’s a good thing the driver is from Maine and not Tennessee.
Personally, I’m against profanity on bumper stickers. Children could be watching.
So I would have used the following wording instead: “Obama: The Quicker Mucker Upper.” Okay, so I don’t have a future as a bumper sticker writer. Do you have any better SFW suggestions?
Thanks to reader Bill who took this photo:

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How ’bout– Obama: The Quicker Pucker Upper!
Many, just none SFW.
Oh, how about “Obama: the Quicker Pocket Picker Upper”.
I lean toward ‘Obama: The Quicker Sucker Upper’
I still like… obama: liar in chief. Am I wrong? But is it possible that more and more anti obama bumper stickers are being shown and the cars not getting keyed? Up to this year if you put an anti obama sticker on your car, you were guaranteeing the car would be ruined. Liberals being the open minded jack*sses that they are.
Language is intended to communicate clearly and directly. That bumper sticker serves that linguistic purpose even though it uses bad language. I wouldn’t change a thing.
Well, this is fun . . .
“Attention LI commenters: Language clean-up in aisle 7!”
There is something of an incidental but nevertheless parallel dimension to the exercise, because the original expression was all about the best way to clean up some annoying mess in one’s life. This bumper sticker draws attention to the identification of a much bigger mess.
The original slogan had an “aab” rhyme pattern, as opposed to the “abb” pattern on the bumper sticker.
So, an appropriate substitute word here could one that rhymes with “picker,” thereby restoring that common but obviously quite catchy “aab” pattern.
Thus, one possibility is . . . “OBAMA: THE QUICKER STICKER-UPPER” —
Or, how about a double replacement of the original two words, with ones that would a little more accurately portray the singularly deceptive nature of the Obama leadership style . . . “OBAMA: THE SLICKER STICKER-UPPER” —
If you want to keep to the format of the original rhyme, try this:
Obama- The Quicker Dicker-Upper
The profanity is a turn off. We don’t need to stoop to the other side’s level. Much better ways to get the point across, including the ways clever LI readers have come up with in the comments to this post.
LukeHandCool (who can swear like an ex-Marine truck driver … but only when nobody is around).
Here’s a thought . . . have you ever thought of having an occasional featured post in the nature of a political bumper sticker contest during the 2012 election season?
You could have a few categories, such as best found (i.e., photographed) sticker and/or the best original sticker created by anyone who takes the time to put one together in Photoshop, or however.
There are tons of public domain photos and other images out there which can be used to cobble together snappy and clever messages, or if someone wants to take the time and go to the expense of securing the rights to uses copyrighted material, then more power to them.