What was the first thing that popped into your mind when you read the post title?
The Super-Committee, right? When talks break down we’re going “to make a series of dangerous unilateral concessions to try to convince” the Democrats “to come back to the conference table.”
Well, not right, but the analogy is interesting.

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It’s not going to work, I can predict that.
Actually Israel is what I thought of first. But in all fairness I had already read the post on Carl’s blog.
As a Jew (in spirit) I sometimes get much too angry to comment on such stupidity….this article makes more sense to me than “concessions” ——>
Coordinated terror attacks near Egyptian border
Israel Radio news update says ‘tens’ wounded – five dead, four of them in private vehicle. The other person was killed on the 392 bus. 2-4 terrorists killed. Police and MDA have raised alert level.
Diplomatic sources believe source is Gaza and it shows weak Egyptian hold on Sinai.
Many roads closed.
Israel would be better served to quit the talks completely. These people will never agree on anything except the complete annialation of Israel. What Israel should do is return fire exactly where bombs come from in kind or maybe ten times and pay no attention to the world communist media that screams about it. They will say Israel will be in the wrong no matter what the circumstances are. The media has proven this over and over again. The left is in league with the Islamists and if and when they destroy Israel, they will come after us.
First thing I thought of when I saw “concessions”?
I’m a Minnesotan. The Minnesota State Fair is going to be starting up pretty quick here (Aug 25 – Sept 5) and your post title made me first think about the new batch of food concession booths that are starting to arrive and set up – and, specifically, about the new fried frozen-chocolate-alligator-liver-casserole-on-a-stick booth that’s making LOTS of mouths anticipatorily water.
Umm-ummmm. If it moves and breathes, we can catch it, kill it, fry it, cover it with goo, and impale it on a small stick for outdoor eating convenience.