If Casey Anthony had been convicted of murder, it would have been overturned

At least if this NY Times report that the prosecution failed to disclose that crucial computer evidence contradicted the prosecutors’ trial claims is true:

The Orange County Sheriff’s Office had used the software to validate its finding that Ms. Anthony had searched for information about chloroform 84 times, a conclusion that Mr. Bradley says turned out to be wrong. Mr. Bradley said he immediately alerted a prosecutor, Linda Drane Burdick, and Sgt. Kevin Stenger of the Sheriff’s Office in late June through e-mail and by telephone to tell them of his new findings. Mr. Bradley said he conducted a second analysis after discovering discrepancies that were never brought to his attention by prosecutors or the police.Mr. Bradley’s findings were not presented to the jury and the record was never corrected, he said. Prosecutors are required to reveal all information that is exculpatory to the defense.

None of this sheds light on whether Anthony killed her daughter, but if the prosecution in a death penalty case withheld exculpatory evidence and presented false evidence at the trial, then there will be more fallout from this case. 

If and when the prosecution responds, I’ll link the response (if you see a response, help me out by posting it in the comments).