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Get ready for the Union Battle of Ohio 2011

Get ready for the Union Battle of Ohio 2011

Unions have collected enough signatures for a statewide referendum on election day 2011 seeking to roll back Ohio’s collective bargaining reform bill.

As reported by the Cleveland Plain Dealer:

The fate of Senate Bill 5, Ohio’s new collective bargaining law, will be in the hands of Ohio voters on Nov. 8, the state’s elections chief announced on Thursday.

The group leading the repeal effort submitted 915,456 valid signatures to put the law on the November ballot, according to Secretary of State Jon Husted. Only 231,147 valid signatures were required.

A Quinnipiac poll released yesterday shows the collective bargaining bill is unpopular.  Gov. John Kasich and Republicans have just over three months to make the case.

Three months may be enough, if Ohio can start to show the type of economic turn around being seen in Wisconsin, which is seeing job growth not seen elsewhere in the nation.


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MaggotAtBroadAndWall | July 21, 2011 at 5:57 pm

It’s depressing that nearly a million people signed the repeal petition. We really have become a nation of idiots.

On a whim I looked up idiot.

IQ Range Classification
70-80 Borderline deficiency
50-69 Moron
20-49 Imbecile
below 20 Idiot

Ouch that’s pretty harsh. I never realized that it would be better to be a moron or an imbecile than an idiot.

Well, it’s going to be a harder sell than you think. If I’m not mistaken, the collective bargaining law doesn’t go into effect until next year due to how passing laws work in Ohio. The “Peoples Veto” gives the Unions a chance to get rid of the law without it ever being in effect. There will be no local improvement to point to. Wisconsin will be their only data point. They will have to do what they have failed to do since they passed the thing, make a compelling case for it.

And nearly a million signing the repeal petition? I hope a huge chunk of those are fake, else I don’t see a lot of hope for this law surviving. It would indicate that a lot of people who aren’t state employee’s don’t like it as the law only affects about 150,000.

I hope I’m wrong. Someone tell me I’m wrong.

I think most people here will agree I’m farther left than the general audience of this blog, but even I agree with this law. I’m confident if the republicans spend some time explaining this law in a rational, coherent manner, the referendum wont stand a chance. The law just simply makes sense.

    Awing1 in reply to Awing1. | July 21, 2011 at 7:19 pm

    To be more specific, I have no reservations about this law. I generally agree with conservatives, just with some caveats.

Do not count on the Wisconsin law standing. I believe it is still in the Federal court system and the possibility of repeal still exists. The recall process next month will be interesting.

It does indeed seem to be the case that we have a large percentage of our population that are just plain dopes. The Casey Anthony verdict is but one recent piece of evidence to support this conclusion. Then again, with academe being controlled for the last 50 to 60 years by the liberals, why would anyone believe we have been educating our kids how to think.

This all noted, let the dopes vote on it. I wonder if any of them read today that WI accounted for more then half the new jobs in the country this month because of Scott Walker’s policies.

If OH wants to go with the unions – let them reap what they sow.

Cowboy Curtis | July 21, 2011 at 8:52 pm

If people in Ohio are fool enough to repeal the law, then they deserve the natural, horrendous, and utterly foreseeable consequences it entails. That’s the wonderful thing about our form of government, when the people get to make the law, the people only get the bad (or good) laws they deserve.

No fear, Texas, Florida, and North Carolina will be happy to provide a new home for all the businesses and entrepreneurs the repeal chases out.

I think it’s important not to overlook one very important factor-

Kasich was just elected. I’m pretty sure he didn’t have union support then, so it’s no surprise he doesn’t have it now.

I do not believe the voters didn’t know what they were voting for, nor do I believe any polls.

We’ll see, but I think Ohio will back up Kasich.

Don’t forget that the highly organized tea party groups haven’t yet begun to fight. We just got our signatures in to put NObamacare on the ballot. The unions have POURED money into Ohio; we’ve been inundated with commercials and there are lots of bumper stickers from the unions around. Kasich has not advertised at all, nor have the tea parties, to my knowledge.

What will be interesting to see if there is any union backlash for the NEA $10 assessment and the OEA $54 assessment to revoke SB5.

In addition, the unions have sent hundreds (about 500) union employees out since at least May to canvass for signatures. I’m not even sure some people knew what they were putting their names down on the petition for.

That will change when a few class warfare commercials run and people have the privacy of the voting booth. Ohio’s union population is 13%; they are highly motivated. But the voters will wake up too.

It’s too early just now to tell. If you can, support, which supports SB5 and fights, the soros funded machine that is organized around the country as the weare (whatever states).

    I have bad news for you; as the federal government doesn’t allow for referendums, you’re “NObamacare” ballot measure would have to be in a state that does allow referendums. since the Articles of Confederation fell long ago to the Constitution, federal power supersedes state power. So unless it’s overturned by the supreme court or legislation is enacted on the federal level, your ballot measure will be useless.