Three Dem Fleebaggers To Face Recall Election

There were some delays, and last minute uncertainty as to how the Wisconsin GAB would rule on the frivolous claims of petition fraud, but the GAB late today certified that there are enough signatures for recalls against three Democratic State Senators, as reported by WisPolitics (h/t Kevin):

The GAB has certified the recall elections of Dem Sens. Dave Hansen, Jim Holperin and Bob Wirch.

The board certified 15,540 signatures for the recall of Hansen, 19,255 for Holperin and 17,138 for Wirch.

The GAB set elections for July 19.

The board met for nearly nine hours today and struck a couple hundred signatures from the petitions, but ultimately the efforts surpassed the signature threshold to implement the recalls.

As of now, the recall elections for six Republican State Senators will be held on July 12, with the Democrats on July 19.  That makes no sense, so it will be interesting to see how it plays out and whether the election date is consolidated.

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Tags: Wisconsin