Sent by reader Jason, taken in Asheville, NC:
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Bumper Stickers – The Series
Rocky The Border Terrier (1994-2011)
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Heh. My friend's wife has a sticker on her car that reads 'Dog is My Co-Pilot'.
Glorifying atheism now?
I think another sticker explains this car nicely: NORMAL PEOPLE WORRY ME.
Ah, the charm of the modern left — respecting all faiths except that of their immediate neighbors. That, they spit upon.
Am I the only one who thinks that defacing a $30,000+ automobile with randomly placed, adhesive backed non-sequiturs is a sign of mental illness?
Reminds me of a joke. Stop me if you've heard this one.
Definition of dyslexic atheist: a person who doesn't believe in a dog.
Wonder if this car had a handicapped sticker, seeing that it's parked in a blue spot.
Anyway, I am sick and tired of the self-congratulatory tone of so-called enlightened people. I have been on the receiving end of that brand of hypocracy. It wasn't pleasant to go through, but I am thankful for it. It made me grow out of that awkward 'liberal' stage. Evidently, the driver of that car has not.
*I agree with the observation regarding the resale-enhancing external accessorizing regarding this vehicle (Oh, the horrors, a Leftie driving and evil, planet-killing SUV!!! Perhaps the stickers are an attempt to compensate/atone for their sins?)*
The denizens of "The Worker's Paradise" of the former Soviet Union often displayed an insightful and biting sense of ironic humor at their self-exalted leaders, their own plight as part of the "noble" Worker class, and their general Communist-Socialist Utopian cultural context. With a wry smile they said something that went roughly, "I hope to God that there is no God."