Obama Surrogates Kick Off Mediscare Campaign

You may remember “Priorities USA,” the group former White House spokesman Bill Burton started back in April. Reports at the time indicated that the new “super PAC” will follow the new rules dictated by the Citizens United case, meaning that they can accept unlimited, undisclosed contributions from corporations and labor unions. This is a perfectly legal exercise of their first amendment rights in my view, but let’s ask Bill Burton what he thinks about it. From the Daily Caller:

“Unless a bright light is shined on the shadowy activity of these outside groups, people aren’t going to know the facts, which is that with their complete lack of transparency, Lord knows who’s participated in these races,” said White House Deputy Press Secretary Bill Burton said during a meeting with reporters on Air Force One on October 15. “And the president thinks that if you’re going to participate in politics, you ought to be transparent about it.”

Well, now we know what kind of self-described “shadowy activity” Burton is using his funds for. That’s right–it’s more Mediscare demagoguery:

This kind of ad is pretty typical as far as these far-left groups go. In fact, it’s tame compared to this. But the fact that it’s coming from Burton, who was Obama’s national press secretary during the 2008 campaign, suggests that this is the tack the reelection campaign is going to take in 2012. As a young person, I just hope that whoever gets the Republican nomination doesn’t cave into the pressure and back down on entitlement reform.