Meet Katie Thompson

I am pleased that Katie Thompson will be doing some guest posts here,  starting with a post about Rick Perry.  

Katie expands the geographical diversity of the university blogging team of Kathleen, Matt and Mike.  Katie is entering her senior year at St. Edward’s University in Austin, Texas. 

Katie already has amassed an impressive political, blogging and social media resume.   

Katie re-founded a College Republicans chapter at St. Edward’s, currently serving as Chair, and is was Social Media Director for the Texas College Republicans.  Katie helped with several local campaigns, most notably Dr. Donna Campbell for TX-25, and also is  a contributor to the Republican Party of Texas’s youth publication The New Texas Forum.

As if that were not enough, Katie is National Social Media Coordinator for Students for Concealed Carry on Campus, and helps with online initiatives for the College Republican National Committee.   Last but not least, Katie was just asked (between the time I asked her to do a post about Perry and today) to become the social media director for Students for Rick Perry.

You can follow Katie on Twitter @TexasGrizzlette, where she makes a point of notifying conservatives about events of critical national concern.

Oh her website, Katie describes how she became interested in politics:

Proud to be a native Texan, Katie attends St. Edward’s University in Austin. Although she always called herself a Republican, she never gave politics much serious thought until Sarah Palin took the stage in 2008. Inspired by Palin’s political optimism and cheerful, unapologetic conservatism, Katie began exploring and developing her political philosophy. This newfound interest in politics, combined with her lifelong passion for writing, drove her to start blogging.

Katie descibes herself as follows:

College student. Personality type INTJ. Gun-totin’, Bible-thumpin’, tea-partyin’ capitalist pig. Aspiring writer.

I think she’ll fit right in here.

Tags: Rick Perry