Instead, we get this headline from AP: Palin Slams Jane Swift In E-mails. Catfight!
Jane Swift was the former Governor of Massachusetts. I don’t think the e-mail referenced by AP fairly could be characterized as “slamming” Swift, but Palin was critical of the fact that Swift reportedly misused state funds to help with childcare.
Here’s what led AP to write the headline:
Swift was roundly criticized for using staff to babysit her children and for using a state police helicopter to get to her home in Western Massachusetts.
A few hours later, Palin followed up with another e-mail to the aide:
“What poor decisions she made there. Please, just shoot me if you ever see me travel such a road.”
Our pathetic MSM spinning a positive Palin e-mail into a negative. Here’s my alternative headline:
“AP Maliciously Slams Sarah Palin”
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