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Gaza flotilla protesters to flood State Dept phones singing “Let My People Go”

Gaza flotilla protesters to flood State Dept phones singing “Let My People Go”

You can’t make this stuff up.   Really, is there anything more pathetic than Americans like Greta Berlin who are participating in the Gaza flotilla, set to sail tomorrow?

Six of their boats have been detained in Greece.   Berlin, who blames the U.S., has put out a call for supporters to flood the State Department phones tomorrow to complain and to sing “Let My People Go” over the phone.    She even provides a video and lyrics for those who don’t know the song.

Like I said, you can’t make this stuff up.

(Thanks to Prof. Donna Robinson Divine of Smith College  for the tip.)


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Cowboy Curtis | June 26, 2011 at 9:47 pm

If we only knew who the Lord was talking about when He said “my people”. I guess its one of those impenetrable mysteries, like what the Founders meant by “the people” and “keep and bear arms” in the second amendment.

Personally, I always find it kind of delightful when godless Marxists start quoting the Bible.

[…] Jacobsen comments, “You can’t make this stuff up.”  Supporters of the Hamas terrorist-governed Palestinians are trying to put together […]

Well, some people seem to have a problem with the idea that, in the Bible, “My people” means one specific nation, and is not a generic term for humanity.

LukeHandCool | June 27, 2011 at 1:21 am

First things first. Shouldn’t there be a flotilla to Hamburg to aid the Scientologists?

LukeHandCool ( who will be flooding State Department phones with calls to, “Keep my people! Do not let my people go! Under any circumstances! Keep my people over there!)

[…] I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP.  It all has to do with that flotilla that antiwar activists are putting together to help notorious terrorist group Hamas out in the Gaza strip via a little blockade-running; turns out the Greeks have impounded a number of the boats, so 0ur favorite Useful Idiots are calling for antiwar activists to call up the State Department Monday morning and sing “Let My People Go” at them*. […]

[…] I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP.  It all has to do with that flotilla that antiwar activists are putting together to help notorious terrorist group Hamas out in the Gaza strip via a little blockade-running; turns out the Greeks have impounded a number of the boats, so 0ur favorite Useful Idiots are calling for antiwar activists to call up the State Department Monday morning and sing “Let My People Go” at them*. […]

[…] I (and Legal Insurrection) AM NOT MAKING THIS UP.  It all has to do with that flotilla that antiwar activists are putting together to help notorious terrorist group Hamas out in the Gaza strip via a little blockade-running; turns out the Greeks have impounded a number of the boats, so 0ur favorite Useful Idiots are calling for antiwar activists to call up the State Department Monday morning and sing “Let My People Go” at them*. […]

“Let my people go” – too funny! Most Israelis would be quite happy if the Gazan extremists all left. Let them go to their friends in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Iran. And let the flotillists join them – if their boats don’t sink first.

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In response, the Lord “spake” unto me and said that she’s a looney tune. His exact words.

common tater | June 27, 2011 at 10:44 am

There’s a better song the world should never forget.

[…] I (and Legal Insurrection) AM NOT MAKING THIS UP.  It all has to do with that flotilla that antiwar activists are putting together to help notorious terrorist group Hamas out in the Gaza strip via a little blockade-running; turns out the Greeks have impounded a number of the boats, so 0ur favorite Useful Idiots are calling for antiwar activists to call up the State Department Monday morning and sing “Let My People Go” at them*. […]

How utterly sublime and totally consistent. Christian/Jew/Bible-haters quoting the Bible in their little self-righteous, foot-stomping pique of moral superiority, as usual totally missing the pesky little detail about WHO are the “my people” that Moses is talking about(not to be confused with Eric Holder’s “peps”).

These Ships-of-Fools flotilla twits are less of an Exodus parallel and more of a modern representation of the plagues visited upon Pharaoh.

What a motley crew indeed!!!

May then experience a post-Boomer “three hour tour” in all its lovely manifestations/infestations.