Behold The Mainstream Media Eating Its Own Anti-Palin Bile – A Running List of Headlines

A collection of headlines from the mainstream media after a feeding frenzy to break stories regarding the 24,000+ e-mails released by the State of Alaska from Sarah Palin’s time as Governor. 

The rushed headlines and analysis reveal the mainstream media desperately seeking ways to confirm its long-standing anti-Palin bile, without any time to consume the meaning or (lack of) importance of the e-mails.

Today shows the mainstream media at its worst, featuring insatiable publicity hounds seeking to confirm their preconceived narratives regarding a leading conservative political figure.

This list is a work in progress, as new headlines will be added (post suggestions in the comments, or e-mail  me):

Your Obama-compliant mainstream media at work.

Update:  CBS News is leading the charge, but it will not release the full content of Obama’s donor conversation caught on an open microphone.

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Tags: Media Bias, Sarah Palin