There will be no Battle of the Bulging Ballot Bags.
JoAnne Kloppenburg just announced that she will not file a lawsuit challenging the recount which found her losing to David Prosser by 7004 votes.
As discussed here previously, Kloppenburg had alleged that there were “anomalies” in the election, including torn or open ballot bags.
The “ballot bag security” issue was phony not because there were no tears or openings, but because there was no evidence that this was deliberate or affected the vote at all. The Wisconsin Goverment Accountability Board rejected any suggestion that the election has other than routine, non-material adjustments, and specifically rejected the “ballot bag security” allegations.
There was a lack of reality to Kloppenburg’s position since the vote did not change much from election night to the canvass to the recount.
The supposedly “found” votes in Waukesha were not “found.” The votes were reported by the city of Brookfield on election night, but the Waukesha clerk initially failed to report those votes to the press on election night. The meme that Republicans stole the election was pure fantasy.
Updates: I’ll post the video when available. The short version is that Kloppenburg insists that there were serious anomalies and problems, but that she cannot meet the threshold for a legal challenge. Kloppenburg wants an independent investigation of Waukesha county.
In response to question of whether cost was worth it, Kloppenburg responded: “Of course it was worth it….”
Kloppenburg spent most of the press conference doing what I predicted she would do, delegitimizing Prosser’s victory without actually challenging it.
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Maybe for the next election Kloppenburg will convince them to throw down the money for some more secure bags:
Now it's time to get Kloppenburg out of her government job.
Yeah, especially when she didn't have to foot the bill.
Liberals; spending you're money so you don't have to.
Of course it was worth it to her; it wasn't her money.
What a tool.
Kloppenburg is a lawyer for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Her job is to manufacture violations of Wisconsin law or regulations and take companies or individuals to court. She enjoys collecting huge fines from violators. She's orgasmic when she can prohibit them from using their land or property as they see fit. Typical Progressive-Socialist.
In response to question of whether cost was worth it, Kloppenburg responded: "Of course it was worth it…."
It's only worth it to her super-sized arrogance. Her concern for wasted taxpayer money is nil. Her union backers must have decided that they need the money to buy the 2012 election, instead of tilting at the windmill of overturning 7000 votes.
Translation of what K said: "The unions are now refusing to fund the court challenge for me, and I can't afford it."
Perhaps an independent investigation of K in her State (taxpayer-funded) position as WDNR attorney could be in order over potential violations of the Hatch Act.
"The short version is that Kloppenburg insists that there were serious anomalies and problems, but that she cannot meet the threshold for a legal challenge. Kloppenburg wants an independent investigation of Waukesha county."
I wonder if this means that she KNOWS that if she were to file a challenge, she would likely be disbarred for filing a frivolous lawsuit (because you know that somebody on the Republican side would file a grievance, which then the Wisconsin Bar would then be REQUIRED to investigate) and might end up getting Wisconsin Rule 802.05 and 814.025 sanctions imposed against her for filing a lawsuit without any basis in fact(the rough equivalent of Rule 11 sanctions in Federal practice for frivolous filings meant to deter or delay without basis in fact or law).
Gee, I wonder how all those little bright-eyed and bushy-tailed young volunteers feel right about now . . . the ones her campaign suckered into giving up their time to endlessly pour over records from the recounts in all 72 counties looking for the significant "anomalies" she kept referencing?
Hopefully, they'll feel like they really ought to feel about now — USED!
Okay, okay . . . maybe there weren't so many "bright-eyed" ones.
I still believe that for her, this ended up as a case of political "suicide-by-recount."
Somehow, I can't imagine any hard-nosed pols in the candidate selection business taking a chance on her being a candidate for anything ever again, after wasting so much time and effort and taxpayer money on a losing cause.
She just better hope the AG doesn't find a way to reorganize the staff in a way that will eliminate her job — once she gets around to returning from her leave of absence!
"The supposedly "found" votes in Waukesha were not "found." The votes were reported by the city of Brookfield on election night, but the Waukesha clerk initially failed to report those votes to the press on election night. "
You keep saying this but it continues to be completely false.
The votes weren't on the SoS website that night which the press drew from. That's a HELL of a lot more than just not reporting to the press, that's skipping the reporting process, which does in fact make them _found_ votes after the fact. Now being found doesn't make them invalid or illegitimate (although it raises the question, naturally).
@Tlaloc, you are full full of you-know-what that your eyes are brown. You must have a problem with the "meaning of is", eh. And no, the reporting process was not "skipped". There is no requirement to report the votes to the press. It is a courtesy. Nothing is official until the canvass is complete.
Now that I'm done slapping T's hand, I have to admit I was incorrect about how this would pan out. That said, I'm sure Kloppenburg waited for her Union masters to give permission to concede.
"You keep saying this but it continues to be completely false."
You keep saying *THAT* despite it being the desperate lies of a loser.
Elections Panel Puts Hold Only on Democrat Recalls in Wisconsin
Big Government
Wisconsin Dems 6. Wisconsin Republicans 0.
"@Tlaloc, you are full full of you-know-what that your eyes are brown. You must have a problem with the "meaning of is", eh. And no, the reporting process was not "skipped". There is no requirement to report the votes to the press. It is a courtesy. Nothing is official until the canvass is complete."
Which word in "Secretary of State website" is too long for you to understand? I'll help you get this if I can but you have to let me know which part of the facts you can't wrap your head around. The votes weren't reported to the SoS that's, as i said, not reporting the votes. Not just not reporting them to the press but not reporting them to the actual people who run the election.
You can pretend all you like but that's a gross dereliction.
Why is anyone surprised by this? This is just what Democrats do.