Update on Bloomberg’s View


I posted a few weeks ago about how I was happy to see Bloomberg’s new “view,” an editorial page. Alas, even the (primarily lefty) Slate Magazine has given it the thumbs-down.

Virginia Postrel, however, has been her usual astute self with a really entertaining article on Oprah’s influence:
“Rather, she revived and extended an old American phenomenon: the tradition of middlebrow self-improvement that many observers assumed had died in the anti-authority turmoil of the 1960s.
While anything but radical, this achievement was nonetheless remarkable. ….

Oprah-ism doesn’t foster nuance or critical thinking. Yet even at its most philosophically ridiculous, it does manifest a singular, and characteristically American, virtue: It moves forward. The past, it affirms, is over and cannot be changed. What matters now is what happens next.”

As per usual, I thought about Oprah in a different light. Even if Bloomberg View becomes a bust, I hope Ms. Postrel keeps up the good work.

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