“Together we’ll change our country. And this time it’ll be for the better.”

Tim Pawlenty released a web video tonight to preview his official announcement tomorrow that he’s running for President. 

Seems pretty hard hitting and the right tone to me.  Me thinks this guy might have some fight in him.

Last November I asked you to tell me about Tim Pawlenty.  So tell me again.

Update 5-23-2011: On Rush today, Pawlenty stated that the “the era of small goverment is over” quote attributed to him is a misattribution, and that he was quoting a David Brooks article, not expressing his own opinion. He says that the day after the Minnesota Tribune ran the quote on page 1, it ran a correction buried deep in the paper. Fact check, anyone?

Pawlenty was very good on Rush. If I can get a link, I’ll post it.

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Tags: 2012 Election, 2012 Republican Primaries, Tim Pawlenty