(Originally posted 5-11-11, but lost in the Big Blogger Blackout of 2011, brought back to life courtesy of the Restore Honor and Sanity (and missing Legal Insurrection posts) Project)
Seven years is like forever in the blogosphere. Was there even electricity back then?
Congrats to Booker Rising:
Yes, today is Booker Rising’s 7th anniversary! Here’s my very first post on May 11, 2004:
Welcome to Booker Rising! This is a news site and media watchdog for black moderates and conservatives, regardless of party affiliation. It’s particularly geared to those ages 50 and under, the post-Civil Rights Movement generations.
Booker Rising was begun to counteract negativity, victimology, and defeatism, which is too often thrust upon black Americans by schools, the media, and so-called leaders. We’re concerned about eroded values, hopes, and dreams, even though overall we’re living better than ever. Booker Rising wants to help stop the sacrilegious assault of our grandparents’ (and ancestors’) legacy, as if little to no progress has been made and the civil rights movement was almost for naught.
Inspired by Booker T. Washington’s work, this website will promote self-help, education, enterprise, democracy, and society as the seeds for Black America’s future. We won the civil rights movement. It’s now time for Stage II: further propelling black American success in this increasingly globalized era, via our “seeds.”
Booker Rising will provide commentary, highlight our progress and achievements, and discuss moderate and conservative solutions to our communities’ challenges. We have love for and faith in black folks. We deserve better, our ancestors deserve better!
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I hope Booker Rising continues to flourish. School choice, business/job friendly policies etc., would help the black community immeasurably more than the perpetual victimhood dead-end the Democrats offer.
If I had to pick only one "must read" article, this would be it. I'd bet there is no other single act that would improve the lives of America's underclass than to create as many schools like this as possible.