Brookfield Falls To Prosser Forces Again, Kloppenburg To Mount Defense At Cities of Speculation And Conjecture

The city of Brookfield, and Waukesha County in general, have been the heart of the attack by JoAnne Kloppenburg’s recount forces seeking to overcome a 7316 vote deficit. 

As discussed yesterday, the strategy was to contest whether ballot bags were properly sealed, the implication being that Prosser forces stuffed the ballot bags.  In so doing, Kloppenburg hoped with one fell swoop to disenfranchise an entire city in the hope that speculation and conjecture about the possibility of ballot stuffing would keep her hopes alive.

Last night Brookfield completed its recount, and the recount numbers were off by only 4 votes compared to the canvass numbers (and the numbers reported by Brookfield on election night).  Via JSOnline:

The recount of the state Supreme Court votes for the City of Brookfield was completed Saturday night, officials said.

The results were four votes off compared to the final canvass, which included a total of 14,315 votes. The official canvass for the city were: Prosser, 10,859; Kloppenburg, 3,456. The numbers from the recount are: Prosser, 10,862; Kloppenburg, 3,457.

The city of Brookfield has fallen again to Prosser forces.  The vote count, being off by only 4 votes, puts to rest any straight-faced claim of ballot stuffing or other irregularities.

Kloppenburg forces have retreated to mount a last ditch defense at the Cities of Speculation and Conjecture.  Because that’s all Kloppenburg has left.

Update:  The Prosser campaign has released a statement (via @SykesCharlie) which concludes:

Kloppenburg asked for a recount because she said it was important to have confidence in the electoral process. What the recount process has shown is that the election process in Wisconsin, for all of the potential for human error, is extremely accurate.

And the advantage of stopping the recount now, is that we can go back to making jokes about elections in Illinois.

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Tags: Wisconsin