Bibi Spoke Truth To Power

The disloyalty card is being played by Jeffrey Goldberg (who took great offense to Benjamin Netanyahu’s perceived disrespect towards “my President”), Glenn Greenwald (the evil and disloyal Israel Lobby, again) and Andrew Sullivan (the Israeli-influenced media and the crazy Christians, again).

Yet these critics who are so quick to run for the disloyalty card ignore the reality that the reaction to Obama’s Middle East speech on Thursday was so swift, overwhelming and bipartisan because support for Israel in the United States has almost never been stronger and is trending towards Israel even more so:

Maybe, just maybe, the vast majority of Americans are not buying into the “Arab Spring” fantasy, and worry that our President is walking us — I repeat, us — down a path we do not want to go. 

Maybe, just maybe, we were thrilled to see someone speak truth to power, because our media and intelligentsia will not do it.

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Tags: Israel, Middle East, Obama Foreign Policy, Obama Speech