As explained both here and by the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board, the theories of election fraud propagated by the Kloppenburg campaign based on gaps and holes in ballot bags are absurd because the numbers have not changed much from the election night reports (including by the city of Brookfield), the canvass, and now the recount.
If ballot bag security issues reflected fraud, one would expect to see the vote change significantly, and in David Prosser’s favor. But it did not. Kloppenburg gained 310 votes.
If ballot bag security issues reflected sloppiness of such a level as to affect the election result, one would expect the vote to change significantly. It did not.
Other than reality, there is nothing standing in the way of this being the greatest election scam ever.
Yet Kloppenburg continues to push the theme even after the recount was completed Friday:
“The recount has uncovered numerous anomalies and irregularities. Vote tallies have changed in every county.”
This is pure conspiracy theory at this point, one which cannot be disproved by evidence. Yet it persists not only via the Kloppenburg campaign, but also through postings by blogger Brad Friedman who has latched onto the ballot bag security conspiracy as portending some nefarious undertakings by Wisconsin Republicans.
So what to call them?
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