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The police union in Scranton, PA has filed a grievance against the city because the non-union police chief made an arrest while off-duty.
The union claims that the police chief is not allowed to make arrests because under the union contract only “bargaining unit” members can make arrests. As reported by the Scranton Times Tribune (h/t reader James):
The complaint, which was filed with the state Labor Relations Board on April 14, takes issue with the chief arresting a man who was allegedly in possession of marijuana because the chief is not a member of the collective bargaining unit and was “off duty” when the March 20 arrest was made.
“I think it’s absurd. I’m not going to turn my head on crime that takes place,” Chief Duffy said. “I took the same oath (as a police officer) that everyone else took.
“On my day off and I’m driving around as the police chief, and that’s wrong?” he asked.
The complaint states that “the work of apprehending and arresting individuals has been the sole and exclusive province of members of the bargaining unit,” and that the city did not inform or negotiate with the union that the chief would be “performing bargaining unit work.”
Because of this, the union says the city violated the state Labor Relations Act and the Policemen and Firemen Collective Bargaining Act.
Video via WNEP:
How long before the police union declares that its members will not act as “palace guards” for city officials?
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