Scott Walker Will Not Be Recalled And Will Be A Top Contender For VP

Here’s why.  Despite all the vitriol from the unions and Democrats, Walker is getting Wisconsin’s fiscal house in order.

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (h/t @byronyork)(emphasis mine):

The property tax bill on the typical Wisconsin home would rise by less than 1% annually over the next two years under Gov. Scott Walker’s proposed budget, the Legislature’s nonpartisan budget office reported Friday.
The Legislative Fiscal Bureau also said Walker’s plan would put the state’s finances in the best shape they’ve been in for more than 15 years.

It found the so-called structural deficit – the imbalance between spending and tax revenue as laid out in state law – for the 2013-’15 budget would be $31 million. That assumes Walker’s budget passes the Legislature without new spending increases or tax cuts that would add to the deficit.

Under its existing form, Walker’s budget leaves the state with a fraction of the structural deficits seen in the past eight budget cycles. The next lowest structural deficit in recent years was $1.5 billion, or 48 times as much as what Walker’s proposing.

Now if he could help do for the U.S. what he is doing for Wisconsin.

A recall election in Wisconsin next spring, with all the union hysteria and name calling contrasted with a record of fiscal responsibility, may be just what Walker needs.  And it will work to the advantage of the national GOP, which will be able to contrast Obama’s base with the needs of the country.

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Tags: 2012 Election, Wisconsin