Can Kloppenburg Find 7,305 Votes In Milwaukee Today?

If not, it’s all over in the Wisconsin Supreme Court race, as reported by WiscPolitics Election Blog:

The canvasses from Sauk and Taylor counties have now been posted to the GAB website. But it could be until the end of today or even tomorrow before Milwaukee County is through proofing its numbers.

Milwaukee County Election Commission Department Administrator Lisa Catlin Weiner said the final touches were still being put on its canvass before it’s finalized.

There was one tweak to our tally now that the Sauk and Taylor canvasses are posted.  JoAnne Kloppenburg had one fewer vote on the canvass posted today compared to information collected from the clerk’s office last week.

That puts David Prosser’s lead at 7,305 votes with Milwaukee County still out.

The tally of votes as of this morning, with only Milwaukee yet to finalize its canvass, is here:

Update 4-14-2011 – Milwaukee officials now say the canvas will not be completed until Friday, but as of the end of the day Thursday WiscPolitics Election Blog reports that “[a]ccording to the [election] commission, there have been no significant changes in the vote totals.”

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