Wisconsin Republican Senator Threatened, Car Window Broken, Nails Scattered On Driveway

The almost non-stop acts of intimidation and threats against Republican Senators and their supporters continues in Wisconsin, with this report from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

The office of Sen. Dan Kapanke (R-La Crosse) said the senator has been subjected to damage of personal property and has received threatening statements in the wake of mass protests in recent weeks over Gov. Scott Walker’s budget-repair bill.

Kapanke have been unavailable, but an aide to Kapanke says that windows on Kapanke’s car were broken in Madison and the senator’s wife found nails strewn on the driveway of their home.

According to Rose Smyrski of Kapanke’s staff:

Nails were scattered on his driveway twice last week. The incidents were reported to the La Crosse Police Department.

Also, Kapanke’s’s windshield was damaged on March 9 after the Senate voted on the budget-repair bill. Kapanke was advised by Capitol police he would not be able to reach his car parked on the Capitol Square because of protesters. A state trooper moved the car, and when Kapanke went to his car a short time later, he found a hole in the windshield. He drove home to La Crosse. He reported the damage on Wednesday to Capitol police.

Kapanke previously has received death threats:

Sen. Dan Kapanke confirmed Thursday that he is one of several Republican state senators who received an e-mailed death threat.

“It’s pretty disgusting,” Kapanke said.

The Wisconsin Department of Justice is investigating recent threats from several sources. Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald says all threatening messages have been forwarded to Capitol police.

The e-mail said Fitzgerald and his “Republican dictators” must die because of their actions, presumably referring to GOP senators passing a bill removing most public employees’ collective bargaining rights.

Considering that the Wisconsin police union not only has been vocal in opposition to the budget repair bill, but also has itself sought to intimidate businesses, Kapanke must be quite unsettled.

Update:  The threats are not only against Republican Senators, but also against Ann Althouse and her husband.

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Tags: Unions, Wisconsin