What The Blaze Is Going On Here?

The tape of NPR officials trying to pry money from people who presented themselves as Muslim Brotherhood inspired, anti-Israeli and anti-Jewish advocates, has damaged NPR tremendously, as reflectred in my prior post, NPR Please Meet The Fork Which Is About To Be Stuck Into You Because You Are Done.

The Blaze, which I had heard of but never really focused on, claimed that the tapes were edited in a way to make the NPR folks seem worse than they were.  I didn’t have time to review The Blaze article and clips in detail, but I did watch one of the clips and it did not convince me at all that the editing was misleading. 

The Blaze has received kudos from all of the concern trolls.  NPR is using The Blaze’s arguments in its defense.

Thanks to Patterico for doing the job of showing that The Blaze was wrong, No Vindication for Ex-NPR Exec: On the Blaze’s Accusations of Misleading Editing by O’Keefe.

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