If Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) recovers dramatically from her gunshot wounds, she would be a formidable candidate to run for the Senate seat being vacated by Jon Kyl. Giffords would have been a contender for the Democratic nomination even without the shooting, but the groundswell of sympathy would make her viable to win.
I hope her recovery is as miraculous as her surviving the shooting.
But her supporters and campaign will have to make the case for her apart from the shooting. I don’t think sympathy alone would be enough, which is why this strategy would not work, in my estimation:
“Representative Gabrielle Giffords is still in the hospital, but some of her most ardent backers are so enamored of the idea of her running for the Senate that they describe the inevitable campaign commercials: the deep-voiced narrator recounting what happened to her, the images of her wounded, then recovering and speaking into the camera alongside her astronaut husband to call on Arizonans to unite.”
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