The Coastal Road Massacre – March 11, 1978

Today marks the anniversary of The Coastal Road Massacre, one of the most notorious PLO terrorist attacks on Israel, in which dozens of Israelis were killed when PLO operatives from Lebanon landed at a beach north of Tel Aviv, and proceeded on a killing spree. 

As recollected in The Jerusalem Post:

After making the short walk to the Coastal Road, the terrorists flagged down and hijacked a passing taxi, killing its occupants, and began driving south towards their original destination – Tel Aviv. Soon after embarking on the short journey, the group of terrorists stopped a northbound chartered Egged bus, hijacked it and ordered the driver to turn around and head south. Heading down the highway, the Fatah cell began shooting and throwing grenades at passing cars, at one point throwing a body from their commandeered bus.

Along the 30-mile drive to Tel Aviv, the terrorists managed to stop another bus, ordering its passengers to pile into the first bus. With over 70 hostages on board and a trail of carnage behind them along the Coastal Road, police were alerted to the developing attack and were by that point trailing the hijacked bus packed with Israeli civilians. Police quickly attempted to set up a roadblock, but determined to reach the Tel Aviv metropolis, the terrorists plowed the bus right through it. The deadly rampage continued against any vehicle unlucky enough to be on the road that day….

By the time the shooting, explosions and fire were quelled, 37 Israelis and one American were killed, including 13 children, and 71 were wounded in the deadliest terrorist attack in Israeli history.

Israeli invaded Southern Lebanon three days later, what became known as Operation Litani.

The bodies of two of the Coastal Road terrorists were part of a swap in 2008 after the 2006 Israeli-Hezbollah war, which included the bodies of two kidnapped Israeli soldiers whose kidnapping sparked the fighting.

Last year the Palestinian Authority proposed naming a town square after the female leader of the attack, Dalal Mughrabi, but put off the decision under pressure.  Al-Jazeera regularly glorifies Mughrabiin its coverage, as well. 

By the way, this female hero of the Palestinians was the person who shot the American photographer on the beach right after the group landed.

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Tags: Israel, Palestinian Terror