Tea Party FP

One of the most endearing qualities about the Tea Party is that there is no central organizer, no true figurehead orchestrating their protests and meetings. While there are many groups who try to bank on the Tea Party name, it is about as democratic as a political force can act. Brian Bolduc’s latest article in National Review sheds more light on the nature of the Tea Party and their diversity by asking their opinion on the recent events in Libya.

The president can commit troops,” says Mark Lloyd, chairman of the Virginia Tea Party Patriots Federation. “But he’s got to go to Congress within a 60-day window [or pull the troops out at that time].” …. the Libya campaign is not the bogeyman that Obamacare is. In conversation, several tea partiers veered off topic to voice their displeasure with the continuing-resolutions dance. ….

“Some folks were saying, ‘Well, it’s not a fiscal issue,’” Hoyt recounts. “But I tell you, you could easily talk about the money being spent.” …. “You’re already seeing Tea Party groups scratching their heads over Afghanistan. How long is this going to go on? What is a victory over there?”

Personally, I’m glad to see the diversity of opinion on foreign policy issues within the group. I think it is best that they keep their focus on spending and stay on track. A united front on a separate issue might dissolve their effectiveness.

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