Haley’s Mark on 2012

Thanks to my friend Mike for a referring me to a really fascinating article on South Carolina. I really don’t like playing the “who in 2012” game, since — in my opinion — it is way too far out to tell. However, this article did a great job of laying out the climate in an important primary state:

“[Governor] Haley won the Republican nomination running as a reformer against three white men with far more name recognition and far more seasoned political operations. In typical South Carolina style, there were also nasty whispering campaigns directed at Haley, fueled by a conservative blogger who claimed he and Haley had carried on an affair.

But rather than derail her rise, the allegations seemed to help power it. Haley ran commercials with her husband and children and offered herself as a chance to break with the state’s dark political past. She got a big lift from Palin, the 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee, who defended Haley publicly and traveled to South Carolina to endorse her.

Haley said she will break with her predecessor and endorse a candidate in the Republican primary. She backed Romney in 2008, and Romney returned the favor last year. But, for now, she’s keeping her options open.”

I really like Nikki Haley and I hope her opinion plays into the selection. It sounds like it will.

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