Saying Goodbye to… Not Much

Robert Gibbs will be leaving the White House soon to carry on his buffoonery elsewhere(ish). But, before he leaves, take a moment to watch this video from Politico that lists everything he isn’t. Take a moment to appreciate that he was Barack Obama’s communications chief during his campaign. If he keeps his characteristic put-downs, paired with his smug attitude, I expect his career in politics to be long and healthy. Dana Milbank in WaPo had an awesome evaluation of Gibbs:

On the podium, Gibbs often appeared to be attempting a revival of Mad magazine’s “Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions.” Asked last week about the spread of Egypt’s unrest, the spokesman repliedthat to answer “would be to dip my toe into the pool of generalization, which I’m certainly not going to do.”

Of course, we don’t have much to look forward to, Milbank prefaced his article with an account of an email he received from the incoming Press Secretary, Jay Carney:

The e-mail, coming from the Executive Office of the President and addressed to me, had a catchy subject line: “You are a hack.”… The body of the message began with the phrase “shamelessly misrepresented,” continued on to refer to “your hackneyed storyline” and concluded: “Fabrication is a legitimate tool – for fiction. You should try it; it suits you.”

Well, at least he will say what is on his mind…

Enough of bringing you guys down, here’s a look at Meryl Streep (one of my favorite actresses) who will be portraying Margaret Thatcher (one of my favorite people) in an upcoming film.


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