I Can’t Believe Teddy Rented The Whole Thing
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I Can’t Believe Teddy Rented The Whole Thing

I Can’t Believe Teddy Rented The Whole Thing

He did, in 1961 while visiting Santiago, Chile, while he was an Assistant District Attorney of Suffolk County (Boston), Massachusetts (not clear if this was on the taxpayers’ dime):

“While Kennedy was in Santiago he made arrangements to ‘rent’ a brothel for an entire night. Kennedy allegedly invited one of the Embassy chauffeurs to participate in the night’s activities.”

Afterthought:  I wonder if he had any waitress sandwiches while he was there.

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That was back in 1961. I wonder what brother Jack thought of that? Or Bobby.

The report at Judicial Watch notes that they are continuing to investigate why the FBI redacted this, trying to keep it secret. This one will be interesting to follow.

Not clear if this was on the tax payers dime? Now that's funny.

That was back in 1961. I wonder what brother Jack thought of that? Or Bobby.

Or his wife. I wonder what his wife thought of that?

Do you know how his wife Joan learned about Chappaquiddick?

Ted and his advisors held an emergency meeting at his house. Joan knew something was wrong, but they wouldn't tell her what had happened and made her go upstairs as they occupied the home's first floor.

Ted called one of his girlfriends to tell her what had happened. Joan quietly picked up the receiver on the upstairs phone and silently listened in on the conversation of her husband telling one of his girlfriends that he had killed a young girl while driving home drunk.

That would be a lot for a wife to process, wouldn't it?

Camelot was populated by some real pigs of human beings.

And … great post title, Professor!

I wouldn't read too much into the FBI keeping it secret. Hoover hated the Kennedy's, that's a fact. He might have been planning to leak it right in time for it to do the most damage, during the 1964 election. As a matter of fact, I almost know that's what he would have done, that or used it as a blackmail tool.

By the way, Teddy probably ate the whole thing too. That was one nasty piece of work. It's no wonder he died of brain cancer. Who knows what diseases that creep carried with him to the grave.

Was that white man's use of latinas as his sex slaves/prostitutes racist sexploitation?

Made a mental note to make a donation to Judicial Watch – that's definatly tip worthy.

Don't you love however the egalitarian touch: "Kennedy allegedly invited one of the Embassy chauffeurs to participate in the night’s activities."

I read through some of the documents. What struck me was that as long as 50 years ago he was thought to be a "pompous spoiled brat" by one of the Latin American ambassadors. And yet he kept getting re-elected. Just shows how powerful incumbency is and why we need term limits.

OT: Black conservative Herman Cain wins the Tea Party presidential straw poll in Arizona. Could this mean that Tea Party opposition to Obama's policies had nothing to do with them being racists? I'm sure Frank Rich, Think Progress and the NAACP are currently tapping away on keyboards preparing their apologies for smearing Tea Partyers as racists.

I wonder what brother Jack thought of that?

Why wasn't I invited?

Obviously, nothing like this could ever happen now. And, I suspect that sex (illicit or otherwise) is of little interest to that human in the WH.

As to inviting the chauffeur, I read a line in a biography of Lyndon Johnson–I can't remember which–that I thought encapsulated a lot of what I dislike about the Kennedys.

When RFK was still attorney general he was at the LBJ Ranch and he and Johnson were discussing some policy issue. Kennedy asked why they were doing so in front of the servants. "I don't have servants," Johnson told him. "I have employees."

This is fun. Funny. Good for a jaded smirk.

What isn't is the unsaid rest of the files. Kennedy was a flaming Commie, a subversive agent against his own country. A traitor now buried in a shrine of honor.

Why is anyone still trying to figure out Obama's strategies or policies? Does it still seem over-the-top to just go with one's gut and call it what it is? Didn't Kennedy hand off his legacy to Obama in his final days?

he was thought to be a "pompous spoiled brat" by one of the Latin American ambassadors. And yet he kept getting re-elected.
Ted did not become a US Senator until 1962. At the time of that trip he was assistant district attorney for Suffolk County, Massachusetts, so he was allowed to use facilities at US Embassies simply because of being brother of the POTUS

I understand they're building an Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate that will be part of the University of Taxachusetts in Boston. "The late senator created the institute as an educational and research center for the study of the Senate, its history, and its role in the governing process" according to the Boston Globular Newspaper. I think this document will make a fine addition to their collection, as part of an exhibit: "Politicians: sometimes they're prostitutes, sometimes they're johns."

"That would be a lot for a wife to process, wouldn't it?"

Not for a Kennedy wife … that would be normal because quite often she was previously one of those girlfriends who got a similar call …

So, in other words, if you were born in Latin America in 1962 and you don't know who your father was, it was probably Ted Kennedy.

I suggest you lawyer up and go get what's yours. That family owes it to you.