Egyptian Opposition Leader Ayman Nour Declares Camp David Accords “Finished”

With democracy comes responsibility.  The Egyptian people may find that our relatively soon, as even some of its non-Muslim Brotherhood emerging leaders seem hellbent on war with Israel.

Ayman Nour, a leading Egyptian opposition figure who is expected to run for President — and someone who is a darling of the West — has called for the 1979 Peace Treaty with Israel to be reassessed:

An influential Egyptian opposition figure and likely presidential candidate called Sunday for Cairo’s peace treaty with Israel to be reassessed, the first sign since former president Hosni Mubarak’s ouster Friday that the 32-year-old agreement may be in jeopardy.

Ayman Nour, a former lawmaker and chairman of the Ghad (Tomorrow) party, told an Egyptian radio station that the 1978 Camp David Accords were no longer relevant, and said the country’s leadership should at least rethink the terms of the framework agreements that led to a peace deal between the erstwhile enemies the following year…

“The Camp David Accords are finished,” Nour said. “Egypt has to at least conduct negotiations over conditions of the agreement.”

When it comes to Hamas in Gaza, we often hear how we have to respect the democratic process.  That is true to a point, but it does not absolve the electorate of the consequences of its choice.

If Egypt elects Nour President, and Nour follows through on his threat, the Egyptian people will get the democracy they want, and bear the consequences.

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Tags: Israel, Middle East