Comment Posting Problems? Solutions?

I have received several complaints in the past couple of weeks about readers having problems commenting.  And if several people took the time to reach out to me, there likely are many more.

Since a couple of the commenters have started posting solutions in other posts, I’ve started this post so please post those suggestions here.

Which also raises another issue.  I’ve stayed away from the more interactive commenting software, such as Disqus, and deferred to standard Blogger commenting.  What do you think? 

My concern is that while switching to these other softwares will provide you with an easier way to interact with other commenters, but then the comment section may get clogged with back and forth among a small number of people.  And I also would have to start blocking trolls, rather than using comment moderation.

It always amazes me when I see a blog post with 100+ comments, but when you look at them, it’s basically 5 people going back and forth at each other all day and night.  I wonder whether there is a value to having a comment section where the comments tend to be more opinion as opposed to sniping at other commenters.

Thoughts? Suggestions?

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Tags: Blogging