The State of Ithaca, NY, has been the subject of multiple posts here, reflecting on what it is like living in “10 Square Miles Surrounded By Reality.”
One question I frequently hear is, “Is there a Tea Party in Ithaca?”
The answer is, yes there is, and thanks to the great work of two Ithaca College students, Kellan Davidson and Samantha Schles, we have video to prove it. (There also was a recent Ithaca Journal article about the local Tea Party groups. The Ithaca Tea Party website is here.)
The film below was produced by these students for a journalism documentary class project.
What is remarkable about the film (other than the amazing bumper sticker shots — how come I didn’t see those first?) is that it was done in a very non-judgmental manner. According to the students:
“We produced the video after being honestly very surprised that there was a tea party movement in Ithaca. We were curious to see how a grassroots conservative movement operated and sustained itself in a liberal hotbed like Ithaca. We also wanted to take a politically-agnostic look at the interaction between the two opposing views in the community. Our main goal was to build a coherent, objective narrative that didn’t glorify the notions of either side, because in the end politics is about conversation.”
The film will give you some small idea what it is like to live in Ithaca. (Expressions of emotional support are encouraged.)
Steap: The Ithaca Tea Party from Kellan Davidson on Vimeo.
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