What will the Mossad think of next?
A few years ago the Egyptian press was full of reports about an alleged Mossad plot to distribute chewing gum that would cause young women to become sexually promiscuous. Though it heavily censors its press, the government did nothing to discourage the story.
You could say the Mossad has jumped the shark or gone to birds.
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Psychic Rapist Jew Kitty, Killer Jew Shark, Surveillance Jew Vulture, Horny Jew Gum- Mossad is really stepping up their game.
Purely for research purposes, how does one go about getting some samples?
Oh, these Juice! I love Juice! What will they think of next!?!? Kittehs, Sharkes, Vulchas, now sexy choong gum!
It was probably Jewsy Fruit.