Other States Circling Illinois Businesses Wounded By Tax Increases

Tax increases in Illinois are causing other states to target Illinois businesses with promises of a more friendly business environment.

I previously posted how Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels Favors Tax Increases … in Illinois:

“We already had an edge on Illinois in terms of the cost of doing business, and this is going to make it significantly wider,” Daniels said.

Indiana has started a “Illinnoyed” campaign to lure businesses, complete with a chart comparing the costs of doing business in Indiana versus Illinois.

Now Indiana is joined by New Jersey in seeking to lure away Illinois businesses:

Yesterday, New Jersey launched a print and audio campaign designed to attract business from other states and its first target was the state of Illinois. The campaign, which attacks Illinois 67% increase in income tax rates and 46% increase in corporate tax rates is calling on the business community there to relocate. The ads include a promise from New Jersey Governor Chris Christie that his administration will not raise taxes and that the state is aggressively pursing economic growth.

New Jersey’s advertising campaign (image right) has not sat well with the person who raised taxes in Illinois:

Illinois Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn has been a little touchy for the past week while companies in his state have been wooed by neighbors who want them to move out after lawmakers decided to raise the corporate and personal income tax rates.

But on Tuesday, New Jersey — a state much farther away — joined the hunt. So Quinn slammed Gov. Chris Christie for an ad that’s is running in Illinois, attempting to lure business to move east. Among Quinn’s blasts Tuesday:

“We don’t need some guy from Jersey to tell us how to do things in the Land of Lincoln.”

And add Wisconsin to the flock:

… Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is giving new meaning to an old slogan urging vacationers to visit his state.

“Escape to Wisconsin,” suggesting subtly that Illinois businesses are currently imprisoned in hostile surroundings, is Walker’s slogan.

Walker isn’t just relying on a cute phrase. He also is in the midst of persuading his state’s legislators to provide tax breaks to new businesses there.

Are these other states vultures circling a dying Illinois business carcass, or guardian angels rescuing the wounded? 


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Tags: Taxes