More Cheney Heart Trouble – Civil Discourse to Follow

Dick Cheney is having more heart trouble, and may need a heart transplant at some point.

We know how his critics reacted last summer when he was hospitalized.  Via Radio Equalizer:

Transcription via Newsbusters:

MIKE MALLOY: Cheney has had five heart attacks, and history of heart trouble. Well, I guess they’re one and the same. The cause of his latest health problem is not clear. I think I know, but (long pause) he’s done too much cannibalism, drunk too many cups of blood! Cheney’s in the hospital. Ah, the first good news all day.

*   *   *   *

MALLOY: No, I’m not going to feel anything but intense gratitude that this miserable bastard has stepped off this earthly coil! Really! And I’m sure on a much lesser scale when I die, there will probably be some of you right-wing flip tops who will feel the same way – I frankly don’t give a damn!

But no – Cheney is responsible. Cheney is a murderer. He’s a killer. He’s a torturer. He is evil personified! He is a walking mass of horror and when he’s gone, this planet will be cleaner!

In this new era of civil discourse, I’m sure they’re now pulling for him.

Particularly Democratic Hero Alan Grayson:

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