First draft of Obama’s upcoming State of the Union Address, as edited by the White House communications team:
My Fellow Americans,
I have a plan, but I can’t tell you about it because you are worried aboutjobs. If I really cared what you thought aboutjobs, I would have focused onjobsfrom day one instead of Obamacare. But one of myjobswas to transform the nation regardless of what you thought, so yourjobsreally didn’t matter to me.
Talking aboutjobs, the Stimulus Plan saved or created millions ofjobs, but thejobsnow are gone because the federal funding of thejobsis gone. And now that the Republicans control the House, the loss of thosejobswill be blamed by my campaign team on Republicans, who not only want you to die quickly, they want you to lose yourjobsquickly.
You see, I’m smarter than you; the whole saved or createdjobsthing really was just a distraction to make you think I cared aboutjobswhen all I really cared about was social change and restructuring society into my vision of America. And if puffing up somejobsnumbers was the cover I needed to transform society, those phonyjobsnumbers were worth the effort.
I have severaljobsremaining in the next six years. Among thejobsI have assigned to myself is to finish off the private health insurance industry, which may result in the loss ofjobsbut those sort ofjobsare evil.
As to cap-and-trade, I know that opposition based on the loss ofjobshas sunk the legislation, but one of thejobsof the EPA is to destroyjobsthrough regulations. And let me give a shout-out to the Mountaineer State. How’s that Manchin vote working out for your coal miningjobs?.
One of thejobsof the Interior and Energy Departments is to passjobsdestroying domestic energy production regulations similar to the EPA’sjobsdestroying energy consumption regulations. Theirjobswork together in brutal harmony to destroy non-greenjobsso that we can build an economy based on the economic fiction of greenjobs. And you will buy right into it, because you are stupid.
As to the deficit, who cares, since it will not affectjobsin Washington, D.C. In fact, the more we spend the morejobsI can give out to law professors whosejobsit will be to create more federal governmentjobsfor people whosejobswill be to destroy private sectorjobs.
And the national debt, forgettaboutit. The people in this administration whosejobsare to destroy private sectorjobswill be long gone from theirjobsbefore we reach the national debt tipping point. And when that day comes, you will be sneaking across the border into Mexico seekingjobsbecause there will not be any here, so adios amigos.
In conclusion, from this day forward I will be known as thejobsPresident, regardless of thejobswhich never were created because of my policies. You see, we can countjobscreated or saved, but countingjobsnever created is impossible, so thejobsnumbers emanating from my administration are only one side of thejobscoin. But you’ll never know it.
How do I know that I will be regarded as thejobsPresident? Because my supporters have thejobswhich write the newspaper articles and history books, so it will be theirjobsto fool you into thinking I’m a centrist who really cares aboutjobs.Thank you, and God Bless America.
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